Aqua Fakts
Shake is burnt from the heat of the grill.

Global Grilling
Season: 4 Episode: 7
Overall episode number: 62
Production code: 2608
First Aired: November 12, 2006
Content rating (USA): TV-14-D-L-S

Plot: The show begins as Master Shake is spitting in a kiddie pool for Meatwad, in an attempt to make a "Mucus Man." When Shake runs out of mucus to spit, he goes to lick Carl's doorknob, but Frylock then tells them that they need a grill to heat the mucus so they can shape it. While Frylock prepares a small, wooden grill which uses sticks to heat, Shake buys a radio-active grill, named "Char-Nobyl." After turning it on, it shoots a radio-active beam up into the air, and it is too hot to turn off afterwards.

Shake forgets to turn the grill off and later in the night, Frylock wakes up to find that Shake has the thermostat set to 242 degrees. It then shows the Aqua Teens house from the outside, which is melting from the excessive heat. After several failed attempts to turn the grill off, a tidal wave washes up on the Aqua Teens house, and it is revealed to be a melted Polar ice cap. Carl is shown trapped in his house with his father's amateur porn. A polar bear eats most of Meatwad's body, and Frylock still tries to turn the grill off, being too hot to turn off.

Mucus Man then breaks out of the Aqua Teens house and has come to life by the heat of the grill. He then enslaves Carl and the Aqua Teens, where they are forced to spit in kiddie pools to make more Mucus Men. Meatwad is then chosen to be their leader, who orders Mucus Men to ingest Carl after he refuses to spit anymore. Afterwards, Frylock is then shown, still showing the instructions of the wooden grill shown earlier in the episode. It is revealed that the whole thing was Shake daydreaming and he then looks at the screen and says "You must eat your boogers America, for the sake of your grandchildrens' lives."

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