Aqua Fakts
Moon master
Meatwad and Shake try to make Frylock signs there book

Moon Master
Season: 3 Episode: 8
Overall episode number: 50
Production code: 308
First Aired: September 19, 2004
Writers: Writers: Matt Maiellaro & Dave Willis

Plot: The moonintes send to the The Plutonians that they eat they farts.

Shake asleep until Meatwad wakes him up to more where his game consule.Shake change it into a game called antmadness.Frylock help cleans it off and ask do have any other game so,Meatwad his new game call Moon Master the Game.Meatwad plays the game and beat first 2 level easy and the boss (the ).Then Ignignokt and Err broken in the Athf house (again) and said that the really real,Meatwad a true moon master,and they need help.And must pay the Moon Master kit in order to destroy the Gorgotron and safe they race.So,Meatwad went on a quest to let sign his catalog in order get the Gorgotron destroy.But soon Meatwad find out that Shake it also a moonmaster (after destroy all his weapons).Frylock came out saying that helps someone.Shake and Meatwad try to get sign they catalog.But didn't sign and how buy they this gonna kill the Gorgotron.Then,the moonintes saving that they need printer after they found pcture of they friend and make 2 million dollars doing this.Frylock saying why go up there that where the Gorgotron is,The Moonintes say is it nap time and figures out that Carl is also involved.Err say that the Gorgotron is coming and leaves with Ignignokt.But it turns out that the Gorgotron wasnt really there and Carl was doing it for the Ferrari.The Moonintes doing same thing on the moon but,there figures it out it was the Gorgotron.The Gorgotron steps on Err for calling him a fatty
