
Multiple Meats is episode 97 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


Master Shake punishes Meatwad for thought crimes by chopping him in half with a sword. However, he continues cutting him in half and eventually gets annoyed by the inane conversations the Meat-Halves carry on with each other. Carl plays poker with the Meat-Halves and ends up with his own home in foreclosure (much to his dismay). Eventually Frylock also gets fed up and moves out of the house after starting the Halves singing "Three Million Bottles of Beer on the Wall."

27 years later Frylock returns to the dilapidated, messy home as the Meat-Halves are nearly finished singing the song. Frylock goes to his former room which Shake now occupies. Shake had gotten so annoyed that he removed his eyes and ears and is now blind and nearly deaf (respectively). Frylock recounts his life after departing, but due to Shake's tempered attitude (and the loud, rowdy singing) Frylock again leaves, never to return. The Halves eventually reach the end of the song but then start all over again. As the camera pulls back from the exterior of the house, we hear what is presumably Shake taking his life with a gunshot over the Meat-Halves' singing.


  • Around the four minute mark, it starts snowing outside. Yet, when it cuts to the next scene, with Shake sawing the Meatwads into pieces, there is no trace of snow.
  • Toward the end of the episode, the Meatwads are deadlocked in a vote because none of them can count, yet immediately afterwards, the Meatwads sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall from 3,000,000.