Aqua Fakts
Master Shake puts his cat, Mr. Sparkles, in the microwave, thinking it is Meatwad's

Season: 5 Episode: 4
Overall episode number: 72
Production code: 504
First Aired: February 10, 2008
Writers: Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis
Content rating (USA): TV-MAV

Plot: After Shake gets kicked out of the house for a night for putting Meatwad's cat, Terrance, in the microwave, he discovers some radioactive excrement of Carl. The next day at Terrance's funeral, a male-enhancement pleasure device of Carl's, named Reedickyoulus, makes a long loud vibrating sound, and when it is over, Frylock takes the radioactive excrement and discovers it is able cut right through anything, including the Aqua Teens' living room floor, giving the advantage of new carpet. Later that night, this defecation causes all of Meatwad's dead animals, including a gorilla, to come back to life in as zombies. All of them died from Shake putting them in the microwave. Their first move is to put Shake in the microwave, but he will not fit, so they leave, offering free unprotected sex (in an attempt to zombify them). Shake goes outside and has sex with the gorilla twice, which, of course, ends up turning him into a zombie also. Frylock slices him in half (as he read on Wikipedia, to kill a zombie, you must separate the brain with spine), but this just leaves Shake's lower half of his body to be talking and the top half to be looking. Frylock calls for advice on how to cure it, and according to the person on the phone, Shake must wait outside for a Gay Zombie Ape Party Bus to pick him up. Shake goes outside and the bus picks him up, as he thinks it is his crew.

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