Aqua Fakts
ATHF in Frylock room fill with money

The Cloning
Season: 3 Episode: 12
Overall episode number: 41
Production code: 312
First Aired: December 28, 2003
Guest Starring: Scott Hilley
Writers: Matt Maiellaro
Director(s): Dave Willis
Guest starring: Scott Hilley as George Washington
Content rating (USA): 14

Cold open: The Mooninites invite Dr. Weird & Steve to their "ice cream social" in The Last One, but Dr Weird & Steve can't come because they have been fused together.

Plot: Meatwad is watching TV, and Master Shake wants him to change the channel, shooting a flaming arrow through the TV when Meatwad refuses. After they discover that there aren't any more TVs around in the house, they then discover why there were in the first place; Frylock has been cloning them using his cloner, and he's tired of it.

Frylock explains that if something is cloned too many times, like the TV, the molecular structure begins to break down and unusual things begin to happen. Shake refuses to believe it, and Meatwad makes a play for sympathy from Frylock, saying that he can't face the day without his TV.

Finally, Frylock clones another TV, and odd things begin to happen. First, the TV shows Shake as a psycho who clones money with the cloner, becoming rich. He decides to do just that with a dollar borrowed from Meatwad.

The second image the TV shoes is portray Frylock as a murderer who shoots and kills everyone in sight. This scares Meatwad, who runs away from Frylock when he sees him. Meatwad tries to convince Frylock that there's something wrong, which he only believes after blood starts to flow from the TV. The TV passes to Carl, who sees a show on channel 666 which shows him meeting the same fate as Frylock's victims from before; Carl forbids Frylock from coming near his house.

Meanwhile, Frylock discovers Shake is cloning money, and tries to convince him that it's wrong, but Shake doesn't listen. Eventually, Frylock decides to start cloning money himself to open a chain of restaurants, claiming it will help him feed the hungry children of the world.

After a while, there's too much money cloned, and a money-crafted George Washington appears to tell them what they're doing is wrong, telling them the story of the American Revolution. Frylock promptly takes him out with a shotgun and says that they should have cloned $20 bills because "Jackson wouldn't have given a ----."
